Saturday, September 4, 2010

Bike Riding Lessons

*This post is actually from Aug. 23rd. I had saved it as a draft because I wanted to add a picture. The camera was dead but I videotaped everything. But...I have no idea how to get the pictures off there and onto here. Oh well.
Last night 9 yo Natalie taught 5yo Olivia how to ride a bike. She probably could have done it loooong ago, but she has neglectful parents. Ahem.

So anyway, Natalie decided to do it herself! She was an AWESOME teacher, so patient & encouraging! I heard her tell Olivia "You just have to believe in yourself!" Awwww!  Natalie was giving her instructions, and prompting her on what to do. At one point as they passed by me, I heard Olivia say to herself "I just have to believe in myself!" Awwwww! Within 15 or 20 minutes, there was no stopping her. She was an EXPERT. She could make U-turns, go on and off the curb, and she was having a blast.

The next day my sister brought her 6yo over so Natalie could give her bike riding lessons, too. In no time, Olivia & Hallee were both zooming back and forth all over the street. I think Natalie was a little sad that they didn't need her anymore! Maybe she should go into business!

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