Thursday, June 3, 2010


Almost every year, we go camping over the Memorial Day weekend. We didn't go last year because I didn't want to take a newborn, so the kids were chomping at the bit to go this year. But it's been raining. And raining. And cold. And windy. And raining. And raining. So we weren't sure if we'd go or not. There was enough of a break in the weather, that we went ahead and did it. And it was great! A little chilly, a few light showers here and there, but the kind that blows over in 10 minutes. The kids had a great time with their cousins, we enjoyed having a borrowed camper for the first time ever (instead of our tent), we saw a deer, a wild turkey, a rabbit, and on the way home I saw an owl and a hawk (or eagle, not sure) swoop down and grab something at the side of the road. Fun, fun! Here's a few random pictures.

Our family May 2010

Kids & cousins having fun on the gate.

Logan was DONE with hiking!

Ben with his BB gun

Natalie & Olivia with cousin Hallee on the bridge

Who needs the great outdoors? Kids & cousins playing games in the camper.

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