Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Reason I Never Post Anything...

is named Logan. 'Nuff said.

Good thing he's so darn cute.
Who, me?

Friday, October 1, 2010


I wish I had a health-o-meter. You know, on some video games there's a meter showing how much "health" or "energy" your person has left. Then if you do something good, you see the health-o-meter go up, or if you do something bad, it goes down. (I do not actually play video games, but I have a 12 yr old son....)

I have been dragging lately. I want to get a lot done, but, I have zero energy. I feel like my health-o-meter is in the red zone. My mother has been anemic for the last 30 yrs, and on iron pills. I was anemic during pregnancy. Maybe I have whatever my mom's weird condition is and I'm anemic? Maybe iron pills would give me energy. Maybe I'm perpetually sleep deprived and just need some decent sleep once in a while. Maybe my diet is terrible and I need to lay off the cookies. Maybe I need to start taking vitamins. Maybe I could stand to lose 40 or 50 pounds. Maybe I need to force myself to exercise. Maybe I'm suffering depression. Maybe I'm just lazy. And cranky. Maybe (probably) it's a combination of all of these things, I don't know.

I guess it's time to start taking vitamins. Regularly, instead of the once-or-twice a month that is my usual. That would certainly be the easiest fix. If that doesn't cure me then I guess I need to work on the harder stuff. Exercise (although that might just kill me) and weight loss (ditto). goes on.